Why was Hazrat Yunus (peace be upon him) eaten by a fish?

Why Was Hazrat Yunus (Peace Be Upon Him) Swallowed by a Fish?

Hazrat Yunus (peace be upon him), also known as Prophet Jonah, was one of Allah’s chosen prophets sent to guide his people. His story is a powerful lesson in patience, repentance, and the mercy of Allah. Let’s explore the key events that led to Hazrat Yunus being swallowed by a fish and the wisdom behind this divine incident.

The Nation of Hazrat Yunus (Peace Be Upon Him)

Hazrat Yunus (peace be upon him) was sent to the people of Nineveh (Mottur), a city located in modern-day Iraq. According to the Holy Quran, the population of this nation exceeded 100,000. Despite his efforts to guide them toward the worship of Allah, the people refused to believe and persisted in their disobedience.

Allah instructed Hazrat Yunus (peace be upon him) to warn his people that divine punishment would descend upon them within three days if they did not repent.

The Nation’s Repentance

Hazrat Yunus (peace be upon him) delivered Allah’s warning to his people. Initially, they were skeptical, but they later realized that Hazrat Yunus had never lied to them before. They decided to observe his actions:

  • If Hazrat Yunus stayed in the city overnight, they believed no punishment would come.

  • If he left, they were convinced the punishment was inevitable.

On the night of Allah’s warning, Hazrat Yunus (peace be upon him) left the city. The next morning, black smoke and clouds of divine punishment began to hover over them. Terrified, the people repented sincerely.

  • Men, women, children, and animals all gathered in an open field, weeping and pleading for Allah’s mercy.

  • Allah accepted their repentance and lifted the punishment.

Hazrat Yunus (Peace Be Upon Him) Leaves in Worry

Unaware that Allah had accepted his nation’s repentance, Hazrat Yunus (peace be upon him) feared being labeled a liar because the punishment he foretold did not occur. In his anxiety, he left the city without waiting for Allah’s command, boarding a boat to escape the situation.

Hazrat Yunus (Peace Be Upon Him) and the Fish

While the boat sailed, it suddenly stopped in the middle of the river. The sailors believed someone on board was responsible for their misfortune. They cast lots, and each time, the name of Hazrat Yunus (peace be upon him) appeared.

Understanding Allah’s will, Hazrat Yunus (peace be upon him) admitted that he had left his city without divine permission. He asked the sailors to throw him into the river to save themselves. Reluctantly, they complied.

As Hazrat Yunus fell into the water, a large fish (or whale) appeared by Allah’s command and swallowed him whole. Allah instructed the fish not to harm the prophet, but to keep him safe in its belly.

Inside the Belly of the Fish

Hazrat Yunus (peace be upon him) remained in the fish’s belly for an unknown period—some traditions say forty days, others mention a few days or hours. While in the darkness, he realized his mistake and turned to Allah with the following heartfelt supplication:

"There is no deity except You; exalted are You. Indeed, I have been of the wrongdoers."
(Surah Al-Anbiya: 87)

Allah, in His infinite mercy, accepted his repentance. The fish released Hazrat Yunus (peace be upon him) and placed him safely on the riverbank.

Recovery and Return

Due to the heat and the fish’s digestive environment, Hazrat Yunus (peace be upon him) was left weak, with no hair on his body. Allah caused a pumpkin plant to grow nearby, providing shade and nourishment. A wild goat also provided milk to help him recover.

Once Hazrat Yunus (peace be upon him) regained his strength, he returned to his people. By then, they had fully repented and accepted his message. Allah’s mercy united the prophet and his nation once more.

Lessons from the Story of Hazrat Yunus (Peace Be Upon Him)

The story of Hazrat Yunus (peace be upon him) is full of valuable lessons:

  1. The Power of Repentance: Sincere repentance and seeking Allah’s forgiveness can avert even the harshest punishments.

  2. Trust in Allah: Hazrat Yunus’s temporary lapse shows that even prophets are tested, but Allah’s mercy always prevails.

  3. Divine Mercy: Allah’s mercy and forgiveness extend to all, even when mistakes are made.

  4. Patience in Adversity: In times of difficulty, turning to Allah with humility and supplication brings relief.


The story of Hazrat Yunus (peace be upon him) serves as a timeless reminder of Allah’s mercy and the importance of repentance, patience, and faith. May we all learn from this story and strive to walk the path of righteousness.

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