The desire of Hazrat Umar to eat fish and the crying of the servant Yarka

The Desire of Hazrat Umar to Eat Fish and the Crying of His Servant Yarka

Hazrat Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) was known for his simplicity, humility, and deep sense of responsibility as a leader. He never sought material luxuries or personal indulgences, but one day, he expressed a simple desire to eat fish. This small yet profound incident teaches valuable lessons about selflessness, accountability, and compassion.

Hazrat Umar Expresses His Desire

One day, Hazrat Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) mentioned to his loyal servant, Yarka, that he felt like eating fish. However, he immediately added, “The issue is that we would have to travel eight miles to get the fish and another eight miles to return. It doesn’t seem appropriate to undertake such a journey just to satisfy a small desire.”

Hazrat Umar, in his usual humble manner, decided to let go of his wish, saying, “If fish were available nearby, it would be different, but putting ourselves through so much trouble is not right.”

Yarka's Loyalty and Determination

Yarka, who had served Hazrat Umar faithfully for many years, was deeply moved by this rare expression of desire. He thought to himself, Hazrat Umar has never asked for anything before. How could I not fulfill his wish now?

Without informing Hazrat Umar, Yarka made a plan. After offering the Zuhr prayer behind Hazrat Umar, he mounted an Arabian horse and rode tirelessly for eight miles until he reached a river. There, he purchased fresh fish and rushed back to Medina, completing the 16-mile journey before the Asr prayer.

Hazrat Umar’s Reaction

Upon returning home after Asr prayer, Hazrat Umar was informed by Yarka that his wish had been fulfilled. The fish was ready to be cooked. However, Hazrat Umar, ever observant, went to inspect the horse. Running his hand over its body, he noticed traces of sweat behind its ears that Yarka had missed while cleaning the animal.

Hazrat Umar turned to Yarka and said, “Yarka, I trust your loyalty, but I am deeply troubled by something. If this horse were to plead before Allah on the Day of Judgment and say, ‘O Allah, Umar made me travel 16 miles to fulfill a personal desire,’ how would I answer for this act?”

A Lesson in Accountability

Overwhelmed with remorse, Yarka began to cry and said, “I did not weep this much even when my father passed away.” Hazrat Umar consoled him and said, “Now do this: add an extra meal for the horse to make up for its effort, and distribute the fish among the needy households in Medina. Tell them to pray for both your forgiveness and mine.”

Lessons from the Story

This story reflects the unparalleled humility, accountability, and compassion of Hazrat Umar (may Allah be pleased with him). It teaches us several important lessons:

  1. Selflessness: Hazrat Umar prioritized the well-being of an animal over his personal desires.

  2. Accountability: He understood the gravity of his actions, even toward a speechless creature.

  3. Compassion for Animals: This incident highlights the importance of treating animals with kindness and fairness.

  4. Leadership Qualities: As a leader, Hazrat Umar exemplified responsibility, self-discipline, and concern for all of Allah’s creations.


This beautiful story of Hazrat Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reminds us that true greatness lies in humility and responsibility. It encourages us to reflect on our actions, consider their impact on others, and always strive for kindness and fairness in all aspects of life.

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