Prophet Suleman asked an Ant What is your yearly food

Prophet Suleman asked an Ant What is your yearly food

When the kingship of Hazrat Sulaiman (peace be upon him) sounded, all the birds came in obedience.  When they found Hazrat Sulaiman (peace be upon him) to be righteous and eloquent, every group attended the court with all their heart and soul.

 All the birds stopped their pecking and in the company of Hazrat Sulaiman (peace be upon him) they began to give advice more than the sons of Adam.

 But this self-praise was not due to some bragging but it was an expression of his own creation to help Hazrat Sulaiman (peace be upon him) to spread guidance and education.

So today I am going to share with you the story of Hazrat Solomon and a ant.

Prophet Suleman and an Ant real story:

 A fantastic response from an ant that even amazed Prophet Suleman (peace be upon him):

Prophet Suleman (peace be upon him) asked an ant, "What is your yearly food?

 The ant replied, Only two grains.

 Prophet Suleman (peace be upon him) placed two grains next to it and closed the jar.

What happened with ant after one year?

The next year, when hazrat suleman (peace be upon him) checked, he saw that one grain was eaten by ant, and one was left.

Prophet Suleman (peace be upon him) asked to ant, Why is one grain left?

The ant said, "Initially, my trust was in Allah, that if I eat two grains, He will provide more. But now it was a test of human nature, so I saved one, who knows whether He will give more or not.


That's why we should trust in Allah instead of relying on people. Instead of hoping from people, we should have hope in our Allah, who listens to us. Therefore, place all your desires before Allah and have faith in Him. Insha'Allah, if you do this with faith, then whatever happens will be best for you.

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