The Journey to Paradise: Scenes and Rewards in Light of the Qur'an and Hadith

Scenes of Entry into Paradise in Light of the Qur'an and Hadith

The concept of entering Paradise, as described in the Qur'an and Hadith, offers a glimpse into the eternal rewards and blessings prepared by Allah for the believers. This article explores the journey into Paradise, emphasizing its divine beauty and the unique gifts awaiting the righteous.

Crossing the Bridge of Sirat to Paradise

After crossing the Bridge of Sirat, believers will behold Paradise in all its glory. Two streams will flow on one side of Paradise. The inhabitants will perform ablution from one stream, which will cleanse their faces, leaving them radiant and beautiful. Drinking from the other stream will purify their hearts, removing negative traits like jealousy, hatred, and animosity. Men’s beards will disappear, symbolizing eternal youth and a purified state.

Blessings of the Prophets for the People of Paradise

Upon entering Paradise, Allah will bestow certain attributes of the prophets on its residents:

  • Height of Prophet Adam (AS): All inhabitants will have a height of 130 feet.

  • Beauty of Prophet Yusuf (AS): They will be given unparalleled beauty.

  • Voice of Prophet Dawud (AS): They will have melodious voices.

  • Heart of Prophet Ayyub (AS): Their hearts will reflect steadfastness and gratitude.

  • Age of Prophet Isa (AS): Everyone will remain at the prime age of 34 forever.

  • Character of Prophet Muhammad (SAW): They will embody the noble character of the Prophet.

Allah’s Divine Revelation to the Believers

As soon as they enter Paradise, Allah will reveal Himself to them. The Qur'an states:
"Some faces on that day will be radiant, gazing at their Lord." (Surah Al-Qiyamah, 22-23)

Allah will address the believers, saying:

  • "Congratulations on a life free from death."

  • "Eternal youth is yours, with no old age."

  • "Sovereignty is yours, with no poverty."

  • "Wealth and blessings are yours, with no hardship."

"So he will be in a life of bliss, in a lofty paradise." (Surah Al-Haqqah, 20-21)

The Luxuries of Paradise

The people of Paradise will recline on thrones, surrounded by luxury and beauty. The Qur'an describes this serene environment:
"Reclining therein on couches. They will see neither sun nor freezing cold." (Surah Ad-Dahr, 13)

The Spring of Tasneem

One of the most exquisite blessings is the spring of Tasneem. This drink is reserved for the righteous, especially those in Jannat al-Firdaus. The Qur'an says:
"Its mixture is of Tasneem, a spring from which those near to Allah will drink." (Surah Al-Mutaffifin, 27-28)

The finest drink will be served directly by Allah to the inhabitants of Firdaus, while other residents will enjoy versions mixed with camphor, served by servants.

"Indeed, the righteous will drink from a cup [of wine] mixed with camphor." (Surah Ad-Dahr, 5)

Continuous Gifts from Allah

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) mentioned that Allah will continuously send gifts to the people of Paradise. For instance, a husband and wife sitting in their palace might receive a knock on the door. A servant will open it to find an angel delivering a covered tray from Allah. Inside, they might find a fruit. Upon tasting it, they will experience a unique flavor that combines the essence of all fruits in Paradise.

"Whenever they are provided with fruit from it, they will say, ‘This is what we were provided with before,’ and it is given to them in resemblance." (Surah Al-Baqarah, 25)

Worldly Conversations and Wishes Fulfilled

The inhabitants of Paradise will also discuss their worldly lives. They will ask about friends and loved ones, wondering about their outcomes. Gatherings, celebrations, and reunions with friends will be common, creating a joyous and harmonious environment.

Even seemingly trivial wishes will be fulfilled. For example, Sahih Muslim narrates that a person will request to farm in Paradise. Although farming is unnecessary, Allah will grant their wish and provide the means, purely for their enjoyment.


Paradise, as described in the Qur'an and Hadith, is a place of unimaginable beauty, eternal joy, and divine blessings. It is a reward for those who remain steadfast in their faith, follow Allah’s commands, and sacrifice their desires for His sake. Every detail, from the luxurious environment to the continuous gifts, reflects Allah’s boundless mercy and love for His creation. May we all strive to attain this eternal abode of peace and happiness.

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