The story of Hazrat Musa and a beggar

The Inspiring Story of Hazrat Musa and the Beggar

Hazrat Musa (Moses, peace be upon him) holds a distinguished rank among the prophets of Allah. Known as Kalimullah (the one who conversed with Allah), he was blessed with the unique honor of directly speaking to Allah at Mount Sinai. His life is full of lessons about faith, patience, and submission to the will of Allah. This story highlights the power of charity, the significance of sincere actions, and the boundless mercy of Allah.

The Childless Woman’s Plea to Hazrat Musa

One day, Hazrat Musa was climbing a mountain to converse with Allah when he encountered a woman crying bitterly. Concerned, he asked her the reason for her sorrow.

The woman replied, “O Prophet of Allah, I am childless. Women mock me for not having children. Please ask Allah whether He has destined me to have children or not.”

When Hazrat Musa asked Allah about her request, the reply was:
“She is not destined to have any children.”

Hazrat Musa conveyed this message to the woman. Heartbroken, she wept bitterly, but she accepted Allah's will.

The Generous Act of Charity

One day, a beggar came to this woman’s house, calling out, “I am hungry, please give me some bread.” Despite her limited means, the woman baked four loaves of bread and gave them to the beggar. The beggar blessed her, saying, “May Allah grant you many sons in return for your generosity.”

By the will of Allah, the woman later gave birth to four sons. Her joy knew no bounds.

Hazrat Musa’s Surprise

Some time later, Hazrat Musa passed by the woman’s house and noticed her playing with her children. Astonished, he asked how she had been blessed with children despite Allah’s decree.

The woman narrated the story of the beggar and the blessings she received after her act of charity.

Hazrat Musa’s Conversation with Allah

Puzzled, Hazrat Musa returned to the mountain and asked Allah about the matter.
“O Allah, You had said this woman was not destined to have children, yet she now has four sons. How did this happen?”

Allah replied, “O Musa, My decree is absolute, but the selfless act of charity by this woman moved Me. I changed her fate at the request of the beggar who prayed for her. Such is the power of sincere charity and devotion in My path.”

The Test of Sacrifice

To teach Hazrat Musa a lesson, Allah gave him a task. Allah handed him a plate and knife and instructed, “Bring Me human meat on this plate.”

Hazrat Musa returned to the town and asked the people for their flesh to fulfill Allah’s command, but everyone refused. Eventually, a humble servant approached Hazrat Musa and asked what was troubling him. Upon hearing the prophet’s need, the servant willingly cut pieces of flesh from his body to place on the plate.

Hazrat Musa, deeply moved, presented the plate to Allah. Allah then asked, “O Musa, why did you not offer your own flesh? This servant sacrificed his own body in My name without hesitation. This is the power of sincerity and sacrifice in My path.”

The Moral of the Story

This story of Hazrat Musa teaches profound lessons:

  1. The Power of Charity: Even the smallest act of generosity can change one’s fate and bring immense blessings.

  2. Faith and Sacrifice: Sincere devotion and selflessness in the path of Allah hold great rewards.

  3. Allah’s Mercy: Allah’s mercy is boundless, and He responds to the prayers of those who are truly selfless.

Key Takeaways

  • Always be generous, even when you have little.

  • Trust in Allah’s wisdom and timing, as He knows what is best.

  • Acts of kindness and sincerity can change even the most unchangeable decrees.


The story of Hazrat Musa and the beggar is a timeless reminder of the power of charity and sincerity in the path of Allah. It inspires us to be kind, selfless, and trusting in Allah’s mercy. May we all learn from this profound tale and apply its lessons in our daily lives.

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