Silent Wisdom: Hazrat Sulaiman's Lesson on Understanding the Language of Freedom

Silent Wisdom: Hazrat Sulaiman (A.S.) and the Lesson of Freedom

Hazrat Sulaiman (A.S.), also known as Prophet Solomon, was gifted by Allah with extraordinary wisdom and the ability to understand the languages of birds and animals. Many inspiring stories about him are mentioned in Islamic teachings, each carrying profound lessons. Today, we share one such story—a tale about a bird, freedom, and silent wisdom that offers timeless insights into patience and understanding.

A Man and His Beautiful Bird

During the time of Hazrat Sulaiman (A.S.), a man purchased a beautiful bird known for its sweet, melodious voice. The bird’s cheerful chirping brought great joy to its owner, who admired its songs every day.

One day, another bird flew to the cage, chirped in its language, and then flew away. From that moment onward, the bird in the cage stopped singing. It became silent, as if it had lost its voice.

The owner waited for days, but the bird remained mute. Frustrated, the man decided to take the bird to Hazrat Sulaiman (A.S.), hoping he could solve the mystery.

Hazrat Sulaiman and the Silent Bird

When the man presented his concern, Hazrat Sulaiman (A.S.), who understood the language of animals and birds, asked the silent bird why it had stopped singing. The bird replied:

“O Prophet of Allah! My owner mistakenly believes I am happy because of my chirping, but in reality, I cry when I see other birds flying freely in the open sky. I long for the same freedom, but my cries mean nothing to him because he does not understand my language.

One day, a fellow bird visited me. It told me, ‘This man cannot understand your pain. He believes you are singing joyfully, not crying for freedom. If you wish to escape, stop chirping altogether, for your words will never reach his heart.’ Since then, I have chosen to remain silent and patient, waiting for freedom.”

The Wisdom of Hazrat Sulaiman

Hazrat Sulaiman (A.S.) turned to the man and said:

“Open the cage and release this bird, for it will never sing as long as it is imprisoned.”

The man hesitated, saying, “If it will not sing, what is the purpose of keeping it?” However, he obeyed Hazrat Sulaiman’s order and opened the cage.

As soon as the cage was unlocked, the bird flew out, landing on a nearby tree branch.

What Did the Bird Say to Hazrat Sulaiman?

Curious, the man asked Hazrat Sulaiman (A.S.), “What did the bird say after it flew away?”

Hazrat Sulaiman (A.S.) replied:

“The bird said, ‘If you wish to be free from your sorrows and pain, remain silent and patient. Complaining to those who cannot understand your grief will not bring you peace. Endure with patience, for one day, you will find freedom from the burdens you carry.’”

Lessons from the Story

This profound story teaches several life lessons:

  1. Patience in Hardship: Like the bird, we should exercise patience in difficult times, knowing that every hardship is temporary.

  2. Freedom and Compassion: Every being deserves freedom. This story reminds us to be compassionate toward others, including animals.

  3. Value of Understanding: Words lose their meaning if spoken to those who cannot understand. Choose silence when words fall on deaf ears.

  4. Wisdom of Prophets: Hazrat Sulaiman (A.S.) used his divine wisdom to guide people toward justice, compassion, and understanding.

Final Thoughts

The story of Hazrat Sulaiman (A.S.) and the bird is a timeless reminder of the importance of patience, understanding, and freedom. Let us reflect on this tale and strive to embody these values in our lives.

“May Allah grant us the wisdom to understand the struggles of others and the strength to endure our own hardships with patience.” Ameen.

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