Hazrat Sulaiman and a bird story

Silent Wisdom: Hazrat Sulaiman's Lesson on Understanding the Language of Freedom

Thus, many stories are known about Hazrat Solomon (peace be upon him) and you must know that Hazrat Solomon (peace be upon him) also knew the language of birds and animals.  So today I am going to share with you one such story which is very interesting and you will definitely like it.

A man bought a beautiful bird

During Hazrat Sulaiman's time, a man bought a beautiful bird. When he chatted, the man was pleased with a deceptive and cheerful voice, as if the bird's voice was very sweet. One day, another bird came to the cage, spoke, and left in its tongue. The bird in the cage became quite silent, as if it were a dumb bird. Its owner waited two or three days, but the bird remained silent. The man brought the bird with the cage to Hazrat Sulaiman's courtyard and complained that he had bought a very expensive bird whose voice used to make him happy, but now it didn't speak.

Hazrat Sulaiman and bird

Hazrat Suleman, who knew the languages of all animals and birds, asked the bird why it was silent. The bird said, 'O Prophet of Allah! This person thinks I will be happy, but the fact is that I cry when I see other free birds. Oh, how good it would be to be free! But if he doesn't understand my language, he thinks I'm cheering with great joy.

Then one day, one of my companions came to me and said that this person doesn't understand your language but thinks you're cheering loudly. If you want to be free from his imprisonment, stop crying out; your words don't affect him because he cannot understand your pain. Since then, I've been quiet and patient.

Hazrat Sulaiman said to the man, 'Open the cage and release it because it will never speak in the cage.' The man said, 'If it's silent now, what will I do without keeping it?' So, he followed Solomon's order and opened the cage.

The bird immediately flew and sat on a tree branch.

What was bird saying to hazrat Sulaiman

When the man asked Solomon what the bird was saying, he replied, 'He said that if you want to be free from your grief and suffering, then be silent and patient. Don't complain to anyone. One day, you will be saved from all the sorrows you keep telling people about, but those foolish people don't even listen to you.

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